Below are the highlights for the coming months. The schedule may change, most likely because of weather.
Welcome Back! We will be "Building a Foundation" with SPARK. Students will be learning/reviewing the expectations and procedures for participating in PE at Yoshikai. This month will include many outdoor activities, weather permitting.
February / March
Feb 4-8: Jump Rope unit culminating in the annual Jump Rope for Heart
Feb 11- 15: Golf Unit. Students learn the basics of putting and chipping. They also learn about the etiquette of golf and practice being respectful to classmates and partners.
Feb 19 - March 7: Students participate in a racquet sports unit. They learn about Pickleball (ask them how the game got its name), Badminton, and Tennis.
March 11-15: Avoid the Object Activities
March 18-20: Scooter Activities
Feb 11- 15: Golf Unit. Students learn the basics of putting and chipping. They also learn about the etiquette of golf and practice being respectful to classmates and partners.
Feb 19 - March 7: Students participate in a racquet sports unit. They learn about Pickleball (ask them how the game got its name), Badminton, and Tennis.
March 11-15: Avoid the Object Activities
March 18-20: Scooter Activities
Field Day